Our friend Ian was one of my very early "recruits" for MSF when I started the work to set up the Canadian branch of MSF (Doctors without Borders) in 1990. He worked as logistician, administrator and country coordinator in MSF projects in Kurdistan, Cambodia, Russia and Uzbekistan. Afterwards he worked for OXFAM in Thailand, Indonesia and region as disaster relief manager. Ian lives now with Michelle and their son Nelson in the lovely small town of Wakefield in the Gatineau region of Quebec half an hour outside of Ottawa and he works for GAC (Global Affairs Canada) on the portfolio of "climate change & international security". Today I was able to catch up with Ian in between meetings at the annual conference of the WFCP (World Federation of Colleges & Polytechnics and CICan (College and Institutes Canada) this year hosted in Ottawa.
It was a beautiful spring day and many people here went straight from winter jackets into shorts and slippers. Funny folks these Canadians!
It was a beautiful spring day and many people here went straight from winter jackets into shorts and slippers. Funny folks these Canadians!