Monday 10 June 2024


One of my old university friends from Holland was visiting New York and hopped over to Toronto for a few days. Throughout the past 50 years we had fun together as students (especially at the hockey field and along European ski slopes), met up frequently when he lived in NY, Sao Paulo and Amsterdam, and ended up now being two chilled older guys reflecting on life (he even as a grandparent). Age had booked a nice modern style hotel in Toronto which featured old music turntable and vinyl records in the rooms! The second night he was our guest in Niagara.

Old memories put to new life again also on the clay tennis courts during the past few weeks. It has been 50 years when I did that sport last and yes, it still comes back but with super sore leg muscles after two hours of playing once a week. But hey, it worth trying to stay fit and it is a nice group of people at the Welland Tennis Club.

Almost 30 years ago we landed ourselves in the Niagara Region and while cleaning up old paperwork and photos, the above pic has been a favorite (about1998-1999). A few years later (2003-2004) I was in Maputo (Mozambique) a few days with my niece Monique (who then worked two years in Malawi).

Around that same time, I was once able to have my father meet with my father-in-law in Zeist (Holland) where another university friend managed Hotel FIGI. Was fun to do that.....

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