Monday 14 October 2024

Canadian Thanksgiving 2024

October 12 was chosen by Susan, Mary and Joe for the funeral of their father. It was also this year's annual Thanksgiving Day, a fine day to celebrate the life of Jos Vandenboom. He was buried next to his wife Marie Vandenbogaard, who passed away 8 years ago in St Thomas where they lived for the best part of their lives and where their three kids grew up. All kids, spouses and grandkids were present with the exception of Fiona who is working a year in South Korea (but she had recorded a wonderful message which her mother Susan played as the kick-off for everybody to say a few words). It was a brief ceremony for Jos just the way he would have liked it....

Afterwards we visited the hobby farm where Sue, Mary and Joe grew up with their parents and Greta. The house was bought by a couple who immigrated from Cambodia about 20 years ago when Jos & Marie moved to a house in St Thomas town. The new owners welcomed us with open arms and let us walk around the property bringing up old memories. Afterwards our group went for a walk in a nearby conservation area where Joe, Mary and Sue spent much time as children swimming and playing. The day ended with a nice dinner in nearby Port Stanley, a place where Mary spent a lot of time windsurfing during the years between our first meeting in India (1982) and our wedding (1990). A nice day together with the Vandenboom-Laird-Nolle gang!

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