Saturday 14 March 2015

Never a boring moment...

Sleeping is not on the list of suggested activities, but student life is exhausting as we all know.
A day in the life of the corridors of the Seneca campus buildings.

Recently we hosted visitors who got to see the flight simulators for one of the aviation programs at Seneca. Brought back memories from my six years of work at Fokker Aircraft in Amsterdam and the travels for that company in Argentina, Brazil, Mexico and Spain (1983-1988).

The simulated landing was at the island airport in downtown of Toronto. You can see the CN Tower on the simulated screen. Our visitor landed well (with some help) but then stopped paying attention and drove off the runway. Some good laughs resulted. Fun thing to do with visitors.

I had lunch with James Orbinski at Massey College (University of Toronto) where he is a Senior Fellow and teaches on international health & politics. Was great to see him again. And despite the fact that he hangs out every now and then with highly ranked folks (see this photo of 2006), he told me that he makes every morning breakfast for his wife and three kids. Next meeting at his house!

Off to Australia and China the coming two weeks...