Thursday 27 January 2022

Mary's new hat

During these current cold days, Mary bought herself a new hat. She likes it so much, she even has it on in the house. So father, so daughter.....

Tuesday 25 January 2022

Hilary's new job

Hilary started a new job today. After 8 years work in various hospital ER departments + the last years in a private iron clinic, she now works for BC Doctors in a team offering services with respect to mental health of medical professionals in BC. For the time being - because of the ongoing COVID pandemic - she works fully from home. A big change for Hilary.
Yesterday we had a lot of new snow. We cleared our driveway a few times during the day, and in the evening we did a joined cleaning with our neighbors. Winter in Ontario....

Sunday 23 January 2022

Life goes on

This photo was taken 7 years ago in January 2015. One year later in January 2016 my father passed away a few weeks before his 96th birthday. He was a good man who lived a full life.

Skip a generation and happy to see that our kids are enjoying the Canadian winter. Hilary and Shayd are with friends another weekend in Whistler, a two hour drive from where they live in Vancouver.

And on the other side of the Rocky Mountains, in Jasper, Joe took Wil, Parker, Spencer and Mark for a weekend skiing and snowboarding.

Here in Fonthill, Mary and I try to stay in shape with our modest home gym during a period where the swimming pool is closed because of COVID restrictions and walking outside in not so nice because of the cool temperatures.

And another puzzle completed of a nice scenery of one of the Greek islands towns....

Monday 17 January 2022

Quite the snowfall last night

When I rolled out of bed around 9 AM, our neighbor Curt was already working our snow-blower to clear our joined driveway. Curt works in our local post-office and had walked there today because of the snow. He opened the office at 7 AM, but the mail trucks did not make it....

Mary and I did some of the shoveling while Curt was operating the blower. He also did our other neighbor, Trish. The news reports said that this was the most snow in one night of the past 30 years.

The rest of the day I worked on a new puzzle which I started a few days ago. It is a scenery of one the beautiful island of Greece. Another good challenge....

Thursday 13 January 2022



Received the 3rd dose of the COVID vaccine today; Moderna this time after Pfizer the first two shots. Moderna seems to have a longer effectiveness period than Pfizer based on monitoring so far.

Completed a 500 pieces puzzle is just two days. Only 1000 piece puzzles for me from here on...

Wednesday 5 January 2022


Especially during these colder winter months - but really throughout the year - I have caught up with reading after too many years being too tired after work to read. I think I have read more books during the past two years than the 40 years previous. I love good novels of all sorts of writers, but at the moment I am reading a recent non-fiction book by Mark Carney called "Value(s)"; our son Mark gifted me that book for my birthday. The photo shows me in my favorite spot for reading during the indoor period of the year....

Tuesday 4 January 2022

Photos from NL

My older sister Ger (77) and her husband Bert visited my sister Han (75) and enjoyed a nice meal in her condo. Hopefully I can visit them again later in 2022 if the COVID pandemic slows down a bit and air travel becomes less cumbersome. Then I can also catch up with my old university friends. They had a goodbye party for one of them who moved to France after retiring and shared a photo with me. Great memories with that group of guys between 1974 and 1981....