Tuesday 21 May 2019

Few days Vancouver

This past long weekend we visited Hilary who lives & works since October 2018 in Vancouver. Mark and his girlfriend Carly joined Mary and me. We flew with SWOOP Airlines from the regional airport in Hamilton to a similar airport in Abbottville an hour outside of Vancouver. Hilary lives there in a very nice condo near Stanley Park overlooking the harbour area and works in a hospital across from there in North Vancouver (just for six months but what a view for that period!). On Saturday we rented bikes (and one tandem bike) and went all over the city....

I copied these photos out of a message from Hilary. My lack of technical skills can't get them in this blog-post the right way, but who cares. It was exhausting business all this cycling around....
We had a nice lunch and dinner with our friends Val & Steve who live already a long time just south of Vancouver (see posts of May 2018 when we stayed a few days in their home). The next day we drove to Whistler where we stayed one night. On the way the youngsters walked up a mountain...

Hilary and her boyfriend Shayd are already real mountain goats, but Mark and Carly did a good job keeping up with them (while Mary and I waited for them at the top....)

The next day (Monday, a national public holiday in Canada) we checked out Whistler a bit more and had a nice walk around one of the local lakes. We flew back overnight. Tired on Tuesday but with a lot of nice memories of a weekend with the six of us......

Wednesday 8 May 2019

Odeyto, Kenya & Brazil

The new learning center for the First Nations students at Seneca is called "Odeyto" which means in the Aniskinaabe language: "the good journey". It was opened recently. Today we showed some visitors from Kenya and Brazil around at the campus and we stopped by in the Odeyto for a brief explanation of the center and its programs and activities. A meeting of the peoples of the world...

Tuesday 7 May 2019

CICan in Niagara Falls

My favorite conference during the past 25 years. This year hosted again in Niagara Falls.....

In between some of the events walked to the falls for a moment; never stops to impress....

Spencer graduates

The oldest of Marcy & Joe graduated from grade 12. Looks like he will try to step in his father's footsteps as a technologist from Lambton College in Sarnia.