Monday 22 June 2020

Opa Vandenboom

Yesterday was Fathers Day. Despite the ongoing restrictions for Opa Vandenboom of not being able to leave the retirement home, he keeps himself well. Last summer he would very regularly stop by on his scooter; not possible this summer because of the pandemic. Fiona - who works a few shifts each week in the retirement home serving meals in the restaurant - stays many times a bit longer to play some games of Rummikub with Opa. She did yesterday as well. Mary brought Opa fresh strawberries and ice cream so they both enjoyed the treat.

Sunday 21 June 2020

House improvements

Under the leadership of Mary we have done some nice upgrades on our house. The new concrete driveway is finished including the small "retaining wall". Mark and Carly were here this weekend to help with that wall (last week I had done the preparatory work to dig out the space for it next to the drive way edge). Our neighbours on both sides now also have their concrete driveways....

And you have to appreciate the support of our neighbour for the Dutch beer brand....

Carly and Mark took two of our bicyles and added it to their "stay fit" activities in Toronto. Life during the COVID 19 pandemic continues....