Thursday 5 November 2020

Another puzzle bites the dust

Mary found a 1,000 pieces puzzle in one of the local second hand stores. We started on it early last week and it was a challenging self-inflicted task. Sorting the pieces in the beginning makes the finding of fitting color by color easier.....

Mary joined the puzzling and I did most of the work while listening to the USA elections. What a crazy process it is this time in the middle of a country wide severe Corona pandemic. I am impressed by the details required to make the counting a transparent, fair and diligent process. It takes time this time, of course also because the race is again very close. 

Continuing the puzzling while following the USA election counting process now during three days. It is an amazingly complicated process, and people have to be asked to be very patient. Hopefully the folks will manage to keep their calm and accept whatever the outcome will be. Today we completed the new puzzle: mission accomplished on this one....

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