Wednesday 28 August 2013

Back in Medellin

Yesterday we concluded our two marathon days of work in Cartagena and we feel we now have our final version of the Project Implementation Plan. In the photo above Blanca who came from the Antioquia province to work with us, and in the background Bibiana, our excellent host for the days.

One more delicious fish dish + "platano" and coco rice last night and this morning in the plane again for the one hour flight from Cartagena to Medellin. The slogan of the current Governor of the Antioquia province is: "Antioquia, la mas educado" = the more educated (province). I can't comment on this much, because I would get myself in trouble with Colombian colleagues & friends from other provinces as you can imagine..... :-)

The slogan that Medellin uses (the capital of Antioquia): "we are the eternal spring here".... :-)

The road from the (higher located) airport has spectacular views on the valley in which the city of Medellin is build. Along the way we stopped for lunch.

This is a typical local dish: a bit of everything cooked in a banana-leave....

And in the afternoon it was time to work on our project with the SENA team here.

Blanca traveled back with us from Cartagena and Juan Guillermo hosted us for the day.

And of course Sandra from Bogota is always part of our team....

During the day I received text messages with a few photos from Mary, Hilary and Mark who are a few days in Vancouver visiting friends. Today they went to Whistler....

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