Sunday 25 August 2013

Weekend work on a Logical Model

After the meetings this past week it is my job to revise our "Logical Model" for the EFE program; the model which shows what our overall goal is, what the results will be on the longer and short term, what the "products" (deliverables) will be at the end of the coming three years and what activities we plan for the coming three years to realize those products/deliverables. All of that goes then into a Project Management Format which includes indicators for the results + targets for each indicator.

All of this to on one hand guide ourselves through a complicated development program with a variety of sub-projects, and on the other hand assure that there is accountability and transparency about the use of the Canadian tax payer's money (about 0.3 % of the collective federal income taxes are used on an annual basis by the Canadian government (CIDA, Canadian International Development Agency, now merged into a new Ministry called DFATD, Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade & Development).

Yesterday (Saturday) afternoon and evening I did a good amount of analysis of past documents and the comments of the meetings of the past week. Today I am busy putting it all in the LM.

But.......anybody deserves a break, especially during a weekend! So from the hotel I walked to a small restaurant on the beach where I enjoyed a wonderful fish dish for lunch.

By the time the food was served, I forgot all about making a photo of the dish, because it looked so good that I attacked it right away. Sorry for the folks who like the photos of food here....

The beaches on a Sunday have next to the tourists also hundreds of local people enjoy the water. There are lots of "Seadoos" and boats who pull people on "bananas" and other fun stuff...

Here and there small music groups roam over the beach who offer some fun music. Along the Atlantic ocean there is always lots of "rumbo"... (Latin swing). Many people rent the small beach tents and hang out for the day. Each tent has lots of stories under them I am sure....

But then comes the time again to go back to the hotel room and proceed with the work.....

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